Wednesday, December 22, 2010


So I've heard that writing can be very therapeutic. I'm not sure I care about that so much as I think this will be a fun way to A.) share with everyone the comedy that is my life and B.) annoy people with my every thought (crazy, deep, angry, accusing, etc.) and C.) say all the things that aren't so easy to speak, even when it might really piss some people off. Actually C. is my favorite part. I like speaking my mind, especially when I know I'm right. Occasionally when I may not be, but that's besides the point. Either way, I'll fight 'till the end on just about anything.

Reasons you should leave now and never look back:
Sarcasm. If you can't handle it, leave. Seriously.
If you don't like children and the hilarious things they'll say...find a different blog.
If you are a liberal/Obama lover. Get the hell off of my blog. We'll have nothing to agree on.
If you think you will come here and bash small towns, and simple lifestyles. Wrong. Leave.
If you aren't much for family and love and faith.....well you won't be interested in this blog.
If you are looking for consistently meaningful and deep messages ... wrong blog.
If you don't enjoy a good hardy laugh, you won't like me.
If you prefer conversation to be censored (both content and verbal) you should get some personality, and find a nice fluffy blog somewhere else.

Reasons to stay:
Truly, my life is, on most days a dramatic comedy. The main reason I wanted to start this blog is because I wanted to start recording all of the crazy things that happen, are said, etc. I work with children and each day I work, something hilarious happens. I also have a 3 year old daughter, who is equally funny and is, alone, worth creating a blog for. I live in a small country-ish type of town. My Dad drives his lawn mower to various neighbors houses (our neighbors do it too). That's just an example of my lifestyle. You see, there's things to both LOVE and find very funny in my life. Yes, I do have a more "serious" side, and I'm sure I'll vent about this and that as well. I'm sure most of everything I'll write about here will be things that the average person will relate to.

So, having said ALL of's to many more posts ahead. Looking forward to it.

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